General Artist Statement

Photography has long been regarded as one of the most democratic art forms. It is much more accessible to those who come from a lower socioeconomic standing. With the click of a button, you can readily express complex ideas. The information communicated is specific to the photographer. It is because of these attributes that I was able to enter into the space of creating art.

My work in photography reflects the perspective of a neurodivergent person. My work is driven by my desire to highlight injustices. In Invisible People, I channel my anger at a failed capitalist system that has demoralized people who do not fit into its hierarchical system. In The Places the Invisible sleep I look at the world from the lens of a person looking for a safe place to sleep. With Everyone has Gone to the Rapture I explore my isolation.

I hope that seeing these images will inspire others to look at the world around them and do what they can to cause social change, even on a small scale after all the system isn't set up for one person to save the world alone.